All Cree-language materials are available for downloading and printing, and are fully approved by AHS for use. Please feel free to distribute them either physically or electronically. We regret that these cannot be ordered from Do Bugs Need Drugs at this time.
masinahikanis ohci kwayask ka-kiskēyihtamihk āhkosiwin nakinikākēwin
The Guide to Wise Use of Antibiotics was developed to help all Albertans manage common infections safely, and to understand when antibiotics are necessary or unnecessary. It is intended to support good communication with health care providers, and promote individual and community health. It has 5 sections:
- Antibiotic Resistance
- Handwashing
- Management of 7 common infections
- Fever
- Colds/Runny Nose
- Influenza
- Sinus Infection
- Sore Throat
- Ear Ache
- Cough
- Recognizing dangerous and emergency symptoms